University of Duisburg-Essen


Few people know that Duisburg is one of the oldest university towns in Germany. Duisburg’s first university was officially opened in 1655, but was dissolved in 1818 in favor of the newly founded university in Bonn. Now the Universität Duisburg-Essen is Germany’s youngest university, through the merger of Universität Duisburg and Universität Essen in 2003. The university is situated in the central and western part of the Ruhr area and both campuses were founded in 1972. About 31,000 students are now enrolled in eleven departments. A research staff of 3,000 academics and non-academics fuel this university. The spectrum of academic disciplines ranges from the humanities, social, economic and political sciences, to medical engineering, natural and life sciences, to the highly regarded art and design departments. Students from 120 different countries are enrolled at the university and provide a lively international community.

Universität Duisburg-Essen offers 47 undergraduate programs, 64 teacher–training programs, 13 graduate, and 2 postgraduate programs. The “International Studies in Engineering” programs are taught in English and attract talented students from all over the world.

In the area of research Universität Duisburg-Essen has made a strategic decision to focus its resources on five major areas: "Nanotechnologies", "Biomedical Sciences", "Urban Systems", "Empirical Research in Education" and "Change of Contemporary Societies". With various projects involving basic and applied research the university has made a name for itself extending far beyond national borders. Combined with close connections to affiliated institutes, companies and institutions, Universität Duisburg-Essen is an enjoyable place for study and research.
Important Links

Duisburg-Essen Home
International Office
International Programs
Computational Mechanics
Department of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Masters of Business Administration
Department of Chemistry: Water Science
Center of Microscale Ecosystems
Centre for Logistics & Traffic (ZLV)
Center for Medical Biotechnology
Automotive Summer program
All degree programs
Summary of all courses in English
Special Programs for PhD Students

Essen's campus lawn

  • 31,000 students in 11 faculties
  • 3,565 International Students
  • 3,000 professors & staff

Webpage: University of Duisburg-Essen

  Tuition is 500 Euro per semester. In addition, there is a student fee 215.94 Euro, which gives you free transportation throughout the region. Non German students in some circumstances may qualify for tuition exemption.
Credit Points
  Will my credits transfer?
The University of Duisburg-Essen uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for its programs. These credits are compatible with the American credit system. Inquire with your university's registrar's office for semester-based credit transfer.
More information...
  • General Information
  • Application
  • Courses of Study
  • Financial Aid
  • Housing
  • Visa Information
  • Clubs and Interest Groups

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